For those who want a full, in-depth look in how each MicroManager behaves, click on the “Info” link. Or if he gives the hook to your starting pitcher who’s pitching a gem in the seventh inning.Īdmittedly, some MMs are programmed for Advanced Injury Management (AIM) and others are not. It’s important to know what they are so you’re not surprised when he pinch hits for your slugger who has two homers in the game. Each MM has rules that it follows during the process of the baseball game. Just as important, this site does an incredible job of describing how exactly each MicroManager makes its decisions. For one, you can download MicroManagers in addition to the ones that come with APBA Baseball. That’s where this website comes in pretty handy. Part of this process includes choosing a MicroManager (or two) for the away games.
The BoS managers, which uses the current version of APBA Baseball for Windows, have drafted and now are getting their rosters, lineups and rotations assembled. The Boys of Summer Online APBA League is on the cusp of beginning its 3rd year based on the 2014 season.